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Values & Ethos

Our mission statement

‘Old Heath is a safe place for your child to learn, achieve and enjoy success.’

is exactly what we all work together to achieve for every child in school no matter what!

Our view of learning, achieving and being successful is very varied, whether it’s a child learning to get dressed independently, a child overcoming the intricacies of algebra, a child who jumps into the deep end of a swimming pool for the first time, a child constructing a basic sentence and then developing it to engage a reader, a child who becomes skilled in climbing trees or whittling, a child who knows what it means to overcome a fear, a child who can empathise with another child and work through a problem together or a child who proudly recalling their first five ‘sounds’ in Early Years.

Our children have developed the concept of having ‘Old Heath Heart’, it came out of the Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly in the Summer of 2015 when we talked about the moment you walk out of Old Heath School for the last time with your head held high and knowing that you will always have a piece of Old Heath in your heart to ensure that you always did the right thing through the rest of your life. Our values became central to that ‘Old Heath Heart’ and are well known and used throughout the school;



These values are engraved onto our ‘Old Heath Heart Awards’ introduced for the first time on 26th February 2016. Each week a child is chosen from Early Years & Key Stage 1 and another from Key Stage 2 who best demonstrates and reflects our values in their life at school. The award also bears the words from a section of a poem written by an Old Heath child reflecting on being part of Old Heath School;

‘Friendship in love,

Love in hearts

Hearts in friends

Friends in the school’

We hope that if your child comes to join us at Old Heath you too will work with us to encourage your child to have ‘Old Heath Heart’ and enjoy many new experiences, lots of firsts, developing their personal resilience and understanding what it means to work for success.