Parents & Community Information
Day to Day Information
The official school day is 8.50am to 3.20pm. Which is a total of 6hrs 30mins, across the week this amounts to 32hrs 30mins.
School Gate Opening & Closing: The school gates open at 8.40am, children and parents are welcome to wait in the playground until teachers open classroom doors at 8.50am. Registration is at 8.50am and the school gates will be locked. Anyone arriving after 8.50am will need to enter school via the main school front entrance. The school gates will open again at 3.10pm to let parents and carers into the playground, teachers will dismiss children from their class doors at 3.20, sometimes it may be a minute or two later if there has been a last minute water bottle spillage, lost jumper etc. Please try to stand close to the door your child is being released from, so teachers can 'spot' parents before releasing children. This is especially important for Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2. If you have more than one child in school please pick up the youngest first or have eyes on the classroom doors!!
School Dinners: School dinners are booked via the Schools Comm App. From September 2023 meals will be charged at £2.50. We do not accept any cash/cheques as payment in school.
Parents' Survival Guide 2022/23
Breakfast Club ~ unfortunately at the end of the summer term the Governing Body had to take the decision to close our Breakfast Club as we were not getting the numbers we needed for it to be sustainable.
Old Heath's Uniform Statement can be read here. Our uniform with embroidered logo is available from ‘Smarty Pants’ and Tescos. Plain red sweatshirts, cardigans etc can be worn from various supermarkets etc. Click to visit 'SmartyPants' or
Community Information
As a school we get a lot of flyers and leaflets for activities run outside of school. Unfortunately due to the GDPR regulations we are not allowed to email these out to you directly via School Comms etc. So we are going to add them to this page, so you have access to the information if you wish. We are not in a position to recommend these activities we are just publicising their availability!